Hello Hello Hello.....It's another lovely clear sky day out here in the Nicola Valley.... a little brisk- a few degrees below zero- a colder spell has been predicted for any day now...With Solstice behind us we've been feeling renewed energy flowingoutward- many more projects have begun! Mostly there's been a lot oforganizing going on in the house- Brandie and I have been clearing outour room making way for new floor to ceiling shelves and a start atripping up the carpeting! Shelves, shelves, shelves- we have shelf building projects planned until the end of time...... we have enough books for a small library, squashes on every table and couch, boxes and bags of seeds from the garden overtaking tables, buckets of grains and beans stacked on top of each other, canning jars and planting pots exploding in our 'jar shed'. In my mind's eye I can see everything adorning wall space- where to search for something will simply mean aquick scan of the shelves. Every time new shelves get erected (everyyear there's two or three), new life gets breathed into our farmhouse. As well we have our lovely goat ladies to search out food for- we have another truckload of organic carrots planned to haul, another load of hay, and any home-cut Christmas trees we can find to bring home- they love chomping on tinsel free, chemical free (no farm raised trees) evergreens- it keeps the goats dancing! Wood splitting has interestingly started getting easier since theSolstice. We amassed an amazing pile of pine beetle wood that was cleared out and cut up near Merrit. It had been like no other firewood- axes and mauls would bounce repeatedly off of this seemingly cured wood. It could only be split with wedges, which is slow, meditative work. Yesterday I took to splitting wood after a couple of week hiatus, most of the wood was splitting easily (well easier) than before, without wedges. We had also brought back a maul that belonged to my Grandpa Kydd- clearly his energy was being channeled with every swing.
We're just over a month away from the predicted Birth Day! Brandie is amazing! Every day we hike up and around the mountainside above thefarm (yesterday in some wonderful locally made mocassins that we goteach other for Christmas!) for some fresh air and excercise. Lifehasn't slowed down one bit- and Brandie's energy is as strong as ever.Her health is fantastic- all of our midwife visits go wonderfully,with lots of engaging ideas. There's seems to be endless lifetimes oflearning to be had- how could one ever find themselves bored?
There's even been some fun (!) learning adventures going on at thedentist the past couple of months. My years of being a junk foodjunkie candy chewer in my teens and early twenties have come back tohaunt me.... A tooth that had been filled in November went haywire afew weeks ago stealing many nights of sleep and transformed me into awalking grouch.... I knew that I would be faced with two options atthe dentist (with a rush appointment one hour before they'd be closeduntil well into the New Year)- a root canal or pulling- neither ofwhich I wanted.... I had my first tooth pulled in the spring (my firstjoyous encounter with nerve pains) and chewing hasn't been quite thesame. Studies on root canals have shown that they're directly linkedwith heart and kidney problems (Weston Price, research director forthe American Dental Association for 17 years did many studies withroot canals.... He found that many cases of heart and kidney troubleswere relieved with the pulling of root canalled teeth. There are somany little canals within the tooth that a dentist usually can'tscrape out and sterilize them all, and so harmful bacteria have placesto proliferate and multiply, without anywhere to escape but back intoour bodies wreaking all sorts of trouble... There's some interestinginformation about Weston Price and his research in both PaulPitchford's 'Healing with Whole Foods', and Sally Fallon's 'NourishingTraditions'.). So after the dentist offered me these two options, Iasked if the filling could be drilled out, so that any infection thatexisted could simply drain (this is what I believe had been happeningbefore I had it filled in November).... A third option was finallyoffered after I remained stubborn for a while..... Once commonlypracticed by dentists (for several centuries), my dentist cleaned outthe cavity, and packed it with Calcium Hydroxide (slaked lime)....when you have an infection, it's due to an acidic environment existing(like in my unfortunate tooth)- Calcium Hydroxide is a slightlyalkaline substance that, when packed into the tooth, raises the PH sothat the infection cannot survive. Calcium Hydroxide is a naturalsubstance used in Nixtamalizing corn (to neutralize it's B-Vitamindepleting tendencies), and was deemed a 'holistic' option by mydentist..... I still have to do more research to find out how good ofa substance it is. The reason that this isn't common practice anymoreis because it's a temporary solution- the calcium hydroxide willdissapate after a few years, and need repacking. At any time, though,the tooth could still be root canalled (no thanks!), or at worst, bepulled. So far after about a week I still have strong sensitivity tocold liquids, but I haven't had any nerve pain otherwise (whereas itwas constant before)- hopefully I'll be able to once again chew onthis tooth- we'll see. As for having to have it repacked every fewyear- this seems like a far better alternative to no tooth or a toxictooth.
Six years ago, just before leaving living in Vancouver and heading upto Sapo Bravo Farm to begin my organic farming adventures, I wastravelling for a few weeks on train in Oregon and California. I lovedto seek out farmer's markets and restaurants that offered organicfare- travelling has always been a food adventure. After a short timewithout my own kitchen, I started experiencing the worst digestiveissues of my life- I was in constant pain for days on end and wasn'tenjoying much of any of the food as I could have (or any of themicrobrews that exist around there).... Eventually I ended up inAshland, Oregon- a favourite little town of mine where I'd experiencedsome of the finest live theatre back in 1997 (they hold the 'OregonShakespeare Festival' for most of the year, every year). Quitefortuitously, there was a three day cooking and nutrition class beingoffered by Rebecca Wood. Her wonderful books- 'The New Whole FoodsEncyclopedia' and 'The Splendid Grain' have influenced me greatly. TheNew Whole Foods Encyclopedia was the first book on fruits, veggies,grains and herbs that captivated me when working at a health foodstore in Halifax years prior- I had read it front to back for it'swonderful information on the healing properties, folklore, andpreparation of so many natural delectables. Almost daily this book isreferenced here in our home- and it has always as fresh andfascinating as ever. Her teachings offer a great mix of insight,taking from eastern and Ayurvedic philosophies and a long life ofpractice.The three day classes were fantastic- I was already quite familiarwhich much of the techniques and ideas from her books- and practicingthem with her was very rewarding. After the first day, my previouslyagonizing insides were completely soothed and I was feeling totallytransformed. At the very end of the three days, I had an hour withRebecca where she did a lot of studying of my inside health through myeyes and lips, as well as some muscle testing. Her findings were lifechanging- and I can always now look into a mirror and see what's goingawry. Mine and your digestive and physical health are written right onour faces for anyone to see- if one only knows what to look for.With the muscle testing I found out some foods that were ailing me andwhich were highly beneficial. The worst three foods were wheat, sugar,and cow dairy- Aha! During my travels in the States and eating in allof these restaurants, I was always offered homemade scones, buns,breads and all sorts- always wheat based (and probably with sugar andmilk in them)- living in Vancouver I would always eat sourdough ryes,kamuts, and spelts- not necessarily because I thought wheat was badfor me (though deep down inside I knew), but because I enjoyed theseother breads so much more! Going into health food stores in the U.S.,although there were fantastic assortments of the best unrefinedingredients anywhere- you were hard pressed to find any trulysourdough (yeast free) wheat free breads, while here in Canada thesebreads are widely available. Strange.So it has just come to our attention that Rebecca Wood is offering herdietary consultations by phone or by Skype Video- and she's currentlyoffering a holiday special. Check it out athttp://rebeccawood108.wordpress.com/Her website also offers a plethora of wonderful nutritionalinformation and whole food recipes at http://www.rwood.com/If you decide to have a consultation with Rebecca Wood- feel free tosay hello from us and that you heard about her through Monkey in theGarden. I know that my daily better health is owed in part to her fineknowledge and information.
So we're going to be making a trip through Ashcroft & Kamloops onTuesday, January 11th, and into Kelowna to make some New Year's fooddeliveries coming up on Wednesday January 12th & Thursday, January13th!!! It's going to be our last trip for some time, as Baby isexpected in early February- and we're so excited and don't plan toleave the farm for as long as possible....So check out our menu, and let us know as soon as possible whatdelicious organic whole foods you'd like to stock up on. Many dishessell out quick....Look forward to hearing from you soon,
Michael and Brandie Monkeys
MONKEY IN THE GARDEN’S ALL ORGANIC MENUFor our menu we grow a wide variety of heirloom and open-pollinatedvegetables and herbs, berries, fruits, and flowers on our smallorganic farm in the scorching Nicola Valley semi-arid desert. Otherfruits, berries, and mushrooms come through trading with other localorganic sources as well as from foraging expeditions into thewild. We save all of our non-GMO seeds from our bio-diverse gardens everyyear- thus allowing for their increased adaptability to our soil andenvironment, and to assure the continued existence of these older,hardier, more nutritious, delicious, floral, and colourful fruits,vegetables, flowers and herbs.We use both Nutiva Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil and ABEA ExtraVirgin Olive Oil in all of our cooking and baking. ABEA is from acooperative on the island of Crete, Greece- this olive oil is producedon orchards inside of an ancient volcano- the fruit is unsprayed andcold stone pressed. After pressing the oil is quickly cooled overshallow rollers- never does the oil get warmer than tepid water. Bothoils are delicious and nutritious...All of our dishes are wheat-free using organic fresh ground (from ourown mill) Spelt,Kamut, and Rye flours, as well as organic whole grains and organiclegumes - quinoa, millet, buckwheat, amaranth, oats, barley; adzuki,navy, kidney and black beans; chickpeas; speckled peas, French, green,and red lentils). We only use unrefined sea salt exclusively for it’sbalance of minerals, mellow flavour, and positive influence in thebody (unlike commercial refined salts including refined sea salt whichdehydrate and kill your cells. Unrefined sea salt on the other handcontains all of the minerals we need- it has a similar composition asocean water as well as human blood. Our bodies need natural unrefinedsalts to survive and function properly.) .All grains, beans, and organic fresh crop nuts and seeds are preparedwith digestion, nutrition, and flavour in mind- always soakedovernight to remove the phytic acid and indigestible sugars. Beandishes are then cooked with kombu seaweed and epazote (both seaweedand herb help break down proteins and help digestion) with carefulattention to digestibility and deliciousness.Our breads are sourdough and yeast-free, and our baked goodies are prepared withsprouted spelt flour. All flour is freshly ground in our mill before using....All dishes are Vegan or Vegetarian (with the non-vegan dishes labeledunder ‘Goat Cheese and Whey based dishes).ENTREES, VEGGIE BURGERS & PASTA●Aubergine Nimoise ~ Seasonal favorite back by popular demand! Halvesof fresh picked eggplant, scored & roasted to creamy perfection,topped with our rich reduced garlicy heirloom tomato sauce. Serve hotwith our sourdough rye for a true French treat. Available in verylimited quanity due to poor weather & extremely decreased yeilds!● Lasagna- Fresh, handmade thin Kamut noodles create this popularfavourite- with a rich tomatoey navy and kidney bean sauce, onions,garlic, basil, zucchini, and eggplants! Wonderfully delicious!● Falafels!- Exciting persian delight with sprouted speckled peas,garlic, onions, and aromatic spices.●Baked Stuffed Potatoes- Our delicious multi coloured, desert fruitsof the earth, stuffed with sautéed hardy winter greens, onions,garlic, mustard & caraway. Baked to golden perfection, A EuropeanDelight!●Bolivian Stuffed Squash- Quintessential Winter Treat in celebrationof the harvest. Amazingly flavourful sweet dumpling style squashes loaded withquinoa, black & red beans, quillquinna (traditional cilantro/arugulatasting Bolivian herb we grow here on the farm) & toasted spices.Delicous topped with ourOaxacan Tomatillo Salsa!●Monkey's Winter Pizza - Paper thin slices of beets, carrots,zuchinni, onions, garlic, thyme, basil & heirloom tomato sauce atop afresh ground sourdough Kamut & sunflowerseed crust. Layered Succulence!●Roshtis - Grated (noodle-style) Celeriac, potato, sunchokes & leekspair up to create these delicious baked vegetable patties. Great witheggs and salsa!BEANS & VEGAN SOUPSPerfect to accompany any meal, or to eat just on their own!Savoury & Delicious, our bean dishes are all very carefully prepared.Beans and legumes should always be soaked for 12-24 hours in at least fourtimes as much water with a splash of apples cider vinegar (whichbegins a proliferation of acidophilus bacteria which help inneutralizing phytic acid). When cooking, the soaking water is changedfor fresh water. The beans are brought to a rolling boil, and asAyurvedic tradition suggests, the gassiness from the beans is sent ‘upand away’ with the escaping steam for twenty minutes, while theindigestible foam that rises to the top of the pot is skimmed andcomposted. The beans are then lowered to a gentle simmer with unrefinedsea salt, kombu seaweed (for softening and mineral enriching), wholespices, and at a point, dried Epazote herb from our gardens (a Mexicanherb to help with digesting proteins). Once softened (when a beansquishes between your tongue and the roof of your mouth), additionalingredients are added (acidic ingredients, such as tomatoes, wine,lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, should be added to cooking beansonly at this point, as they can halt the softening process, and leadto ‘al denté’ beans- digestive disasters!)and the beans continue onthe way towards a savoury, heart warming dish!We now sprout all of our beans for additional nutritional value anddigestive ease!All our bean dishes and soups go great with our delicious sourdough artisanbreads. 750ml size.● Coconut Curried Chickpeas- coconutty with cinnamon and sautéed onions● Fireside Monkey Beans- Sprouted Navy Beans are slow cooked over thewoodstove with heirloom tomatoes, griddle roasted poblano, sautéedonions & garlic, cinnamon & anise.● Lentil Dahl- Sprouted Red & French Lentils are cooked to creamyperfection with heirloom tomatoes, sautéed onions & spices.● Monkey Chili- Sprouted adzukis, black beans & chickpeas are slowcooked with tomatillos & tomatoes, sautéed onions, squash & sweetpeppers, toasted spices!● Borscht- A Bounty of Beety Blessings! The classic favourite! Loadedwith lots of delicious winter veggies, sautéed and simmered for aborscht like no other!MOUNTAIN MONKEYS AMAZING MINERAL RICH WHEY SOUPSOur Healthy Goat Friends live a happy life out here at the farm. Thesix of them have lots of room to roam, plenty of sunshine, andexcellent fresh well water. Everyday we feed them a feast of freshveggies, certified organic barley, oats & soaked rye, organic carrots, vibrantalfalfa & grass hay, fir & pine boughs (as well as bark which theylove snacking on!). They love to lick on their himalayan crystal saltblock! Our goat friends are here on the farm for us to have a healthyconnection with animals, to supplement our predominantly vegetariandiet with their lovely milk products, and for their compost thatprovides more organic matter and nutrients to our soil. All of ourgoat friends ended up at the farm by chance, theywere in need of homes from other farms and here they have a sanctuaryin the mountains with lots of fresh air and tranquility.The soups listed are whey based- Whey is the mineral rich high proteinliquid part of goat milk (the curds are the solids that make upcheese). Used as the base for soup it greatly increases the mineralcontent and is revitalizing and energizing, and imparts a wonderfulrichness and thickness to the soup.EATING WHEY BASED SOUP IS LIKE TAKING AN ENERGIZING MINERALSUPPLEMENT! THESE SOUPS DEEPLY SATISFY!All of these soups are available in very limited amounts.●Potato Leek Whey soup- Rich & delicious .... the sweet flavour of freshly dugpotatoes mingles perfectly with fresh leeks & celery in this creamyfavorite.● Curried Creamy Pumpkin & Lentil Whey Soup ~ A Hearty soup spiced todelicious perfection● Roasted Zuchinni & Garlic Whey Soup~ The unmistakable flavour of roastedgarlic meets sauteed onions & celery in this creamy creation.● Persian Whey Soup- with Red Kuri Squash, sautéed leeks, eggplants,celery, grape leaves, cumin, anise, mustard & cinnamon.● Roasted Squash Whey Soup- with sautéed leeks, tomatillos & celery- delicious!● Creamy Potato Whey Soup- with fresh dug potatoes, apples, sautéed onions,chilies, ginger, cumin, coriander, black pepper & garlic. Creamy Spicygoodness!● Harvest Medley Whey Soup- Bounty from the Harvest! with sautéedleeks, celery, tomatoes, roasted tomatillos, squash, & potatoes.SWEET TREATS!!Our desserts are made with your better health in mind. We freshlygrind our organic sprouted spelt flour, and use unrefined extra virginorganic coconut oil, fresh and preserved tree ripened organic fruits,and unrefined sea salt. These treats are sweetened with fruit andor small amounts of Fair Trade, Organic Panela (unrefined sugar withall of its minerals and vitamins intact- used in small amounts it is anutritious sweetener). All spelt, and organic nuts and seeds aresprouted and dehydrated to help break down the phytic acid andindigestible sugars, thus allowing for better mineral and vitaminabsorption, and better digestive ease.● Decadently Rich Brownie Truffles- Described by many as a crossbetween a brownie and the best chocolate truffle ever! Sprouted SpeltFlour, Cocoa Camino cocoa powder, Panela, and extra virgin coconut oilmake up these delectables.….. These moist, dark chocolate multi-bitebeauties are sure to make your taste buds smile.● Chewy Ginger Cookies~ Fresh ground organic & non-irradiated ginger,cinnamon & cloves make these clasic treats even better!●Toasted Hazelnut, Peanut Butter & Chocolate Chunk Cookies~ Who canresist the delicious choco-nutty flavour combination?●Double Chocolate Cherry Cookies~ Our own Sun Dried Cherries pair upwith Vivani chocolate chunks & sprouted oats for a delicous treat.●Kamut Fruit Turnovers~ An exciting & delicous new item to our menu!Flaky Kamut Crust wrapped around a delicious 100% FRUIT filling.Available in Spiced Pear, Pear Apple, Strawberry Apple or RaspberryApple. Comes frozen & ready to bake for a fresh from the oven treat!SOURDOUGH BREAD, SAVOURY MUFFINS & GRANOLADelicious and Nutritious! We grind all of our flour fresh for all ofour baking! After a whole grain is ground, oxidization begins- andwithin two weeks of being ground, much of the vitamins within havedissipated and the flour is on its way to becoming rancid- affectingnot only nutrient content, but also the wonderful fresh flavourstrapped within the whole grain. (For your information: If fresh groundflour is bought from a mill or farmer’s market and wrapped tightly inthe freezer, it is supposed to last for up to six months in goodcondition.)Like any whole grain, legume, seed or nut, there contains phytic acid-which combines with iron, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc in theintestinal tract, and blocks their absorption. Many digestivedifficulties with breads and baking lay within the preparation.Traditional cultures always soaked or fermented all grains, beans,nuts and seeds,- which neutralizes the phytic acid within and allowsfor better digestive ease along with increased absorption of vitaminsand minerals.We take care to follow suit with all of our baking- as well as alldishes containing grains, légumes, nuts and seeds. Not only do we likethe idea of increased nutrition and better digestive ease, butaccessing the complex flavours achieved through soaking and fermenting.● Sourdough Rye- Our daily staple here at the farm. Made with freshground Certified Organic Armstrong Rye, Organic Fairtrade BlackstrapMolasses, organic Sunflower seeds, unrefined sea salt and a touch ofwhole caraway seeds. Thin sliced and toasted this is a great bread forany meal.●Savoury Squash & Toasted Sunflower Seed Muffins~ A Monkey housefavorite! Densely moist, beta carotine rich muffins. Perfect as a midday snack or with your favorite soup.● Monkey Granola - Organic Oats are first soaked overnight (tobreak down the phytic acid), then dehydrated, and finally roasted togolden perfection with a vast array of our own dried fruits (apricots,peaches, cherries, apples, pears), a multitude of organic nuts (firstsoaked & dehydrated); almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts & sunflower seeds,organic extra-virgin coconut oil, and our own apple sauce! Great forbreakfast or snacktime!DELI STYLE FRESH CONDIMENTS & DRESSINGS in 250ml glass jars● Fire Powder -A blend of our own homegrown organic sun-soaked chilies,dried and ground fresh to spice up your dinner table! Caution- VeryAddictive, Very Spicy! Spice jar size.●Toasted Sesame Gomashio - Sprouted and Roasted organic sesame seeds &unrefined sea salt make up this delicious calcium rich seasoning toadd a dash offlavour to any dish. Perfect addition to any homemade salad dressing.●Cultured Pickles! Amazing digestive aids- traditional lacto-fermentedpickles are deliciously tangy and complex- packed full of enzymes,nutrients, and probiotics! We eat a different pickle with every mealto help with digestion- the brine is also excellent when sipped for anupset stomach! Always changing with the seasons!SWEET AND SAVOURY PRESERVESShelf Stable Treats for the pantry- Organic Fruits and Vegetable basedcondiments and sauces for every palate… Unless otherwise noted, allpreserves are made without additional sweeteners (Fruit only- reducedto concentrate natural sugars within) There's something perfect forcomplementing any meal of the day ....... 250mL glass jar● Peach, Apricot & Shiro Plum Sauce~ Amazingly golden & absolutely delicous.● Roasted Apricots - The favorite is back..... full apricot flavouroven roasted to golden perfection!● Black Cherry - Delicous tree ripened full cherry flavour jam packedin every jar.● Pear Sauce- Luxurious ripe pears preserved at their prime!● Plum, Pear & Double Apple Butter- Reduced to a thick toothsome treat!● Chocolate Cherry Raspberry Sauce – Whole Raspberries float amidst areduced Cherry and Cocoa Camino Cocoa sauce - Incredible alone or ontop of any dessert for an amazing taste sensation!● Pear Butter- Ripe Pears stewed down to a thick concentrated sauce.● Sour Cherry Sauce – Sour Cherries are reduced with the pits in prior tostraining, extracting their delicious almond aroma…. An old worldspecialty.● Saucy Apricots - Sun-Drenched Nicola Valley Apricots- lots ofsunshine in every jar of golden deliciousness!● Green Gage Plums- Delicous Heirloom Plums sunripened & full ofamazing flavour! Excellent sweet/tart flavour works well with sweetdesserts as well as savoury meals for dipping or saucing.●Summer Red Apple Sauce- Delightfully pink quite sweet (from perfectapples) sauce. The Summer Red apple variety originated at theSummerland Fruit Research Station!● Flamin' Baba Ganooj~ Roasted Eggplants, onions, garlic, ripe sweetpeppers & habanero chilies - Blended to creamy perfection of spicyeggplant bliss. Delicous spread or dip for almost anything!●Oaxacan Tomatillo Salsa~ Roasted tomatillos, onions, garlic, chilies& spices. Amazing addition to your next mexican feast!● Spicy Monkey Ketchup- our version of this extremely popularcondiment- a thick, blended up sauce of sautéed sweet peppers,chilies, heirloom tomatoes, onions, garlic, and celery- sweetened withapples, and spiced just right.●Ratatouille - Very rich, reduced vine ripened HeirloomTomatoes, Desert Gem Onions, Zucchini, Sweet Coloured Peppers, andbeautiful heirloom Eggplants. Amazing thick spread on toast with softgoat cheese or any savoury toppings. It jazzes up any tomato or pastasauce- transforming asimple sauce into a flavour extravaganza!● Antipasto- Rich & Thick spread for crackers & soft cheese- withheirloom tomatoes, roasted eggplants, peppers, chilies, garlic &onions, fresh shucked beans, scarlet runner beans, sautéed zucchini &onions, fresh herbs.● Apricot Chutney with Panela (unrefined sugar)- Ginger,cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, and caramelized panela spice up reducedapricots and make this an excellent chutney to have with a curryfeast, or as a great sauce for stirfries, cooked grains, a bowl ofchickpeas, or panfried panir or tempeh.● Peach, Pear & Apple Chutney- with sautéed onions, garlic, chiles,and fresh roasted fragrant spices. Transforms a simple meal intochutney bliss.● Fruit Supreme Relish-With Suyo Long & Lemon cucumbers, onions,greengage and Bradshaw plums, apples, sweet peppers, D’Anjou pears,apple cider vinegar, Celtic sea salt, coriander. Fruity and Fantastic!● Peach Salsa- Full summer flavour with juicy ripe peaches, heirloomblue & yellow corn, heirloom tomatoes, eggplants, chilies, sweetonions, & fresh herbs.● Buttery Apple Relish- a mix of our favourite relish ingredientscooked down very slowly to achieve a wonderfully smooth condiment.● Sunshine Salsa - Roasted Heirloom Tomatoes (mostly Jaune Flamées),sautéed onions, celery, sweet peppers, garlic, habanero peppers, herbs& spices, unrefined sea salt & apple cider vinegar. Super flavourful &lightly spicy. Excellent for chip dipping, or as a rich zesty saucefor grains, beans, eggs, tempeh....● Curried Cherry Tomato Pickle - A delicious salty pickle foraccompanying any dish wanting strong curried flavours- with GreenCherry tomatoes, chilies, garlic, ginger, tumeric, cumin, coriander,pepper, anise, cardamom, & unrefined sea salt.●Fire Water- Deliciously Spicy Blend of 6 types of de seeded HabaneroPeppers, fresh garlic, onions & unrefined sea salt, blended to smooth,saucy perfection with de seeded & skinned heirloom tomatoes. Add alittle FIRE to your life! (114 ml jars Very concentrated)HERBAL REMEDIES:Spilanthes Olevacea- Spilanthes is a native Amazonian herb- withsimilar properties as Echinacea, though with a potency five timesgreater. It is a plant commonly eaten in the Brazilian diet- often with themilder leaves of the plant minced up into soups and salads for itsimmune boosting properties.We find that it helps almost immediately with a variety of complaints-such as canker sores, cold sores, sore throats, toothaches, as well asthe common cold or flu. We always have it on hand to help beat backany sickness that creeps up in our household.We grow our Spilanthes as an annual plant, saving seed each year tokeep this potent medicine available. It’s a lovely, lowcreepingsucculent plant, with arrow shaped leaves, and small, chamomilelooking flowers of red within yellow within orange.We offer Spilanthes in two forms:● Whole dried Spilanthes flower heads- excellent for keeping in apurse, or in the glovebox or backpack- simply pop a dried flower inyour mouth and treat it as a lozenge. Its action is long lasting!● Spilanthes Tincture- Our tincture is in a vodka base and uses onlythe fresh, potent flower heads fresh harvested at their peak potency.Simply a few drops under the tongue or back of the throat and itsaction is immediately felt. It comes in a convenient 25mL dark glassbottle with dropper.● Reishi Mushroom Tincture- an amazing adaptogen used for millenia inthe east... an excellent stress reliever and immune booster- we findthat reishi both calms the nerves while adding clarity of mind andincreased energy. An excellent anti-carcinogen, it's used in thetreatment of many cancers and tumours. Many texts recommend it fordaily use throughout life for increased longevity (likely due to itsstress-relieving properties!). Our reishi tincture is vodka based withcertified organic reishi mushroom.MONKEYS GIFT BASKETS!!!The Perfect way to share Monkey in the Garden Goodness with those youlove! A delicous & ecceltic combination of sauces, preserves, herbs &medicinal tinctures, nested on a bed of organic straw & all wrapped upin an attractive natural fibre basket. Comes with a handmade seasonalgreeting card. Great to have on hand for an ethically producedsurprise birthday or anniversary gift! Available in $50 & up sizes.Please get your order in ASAP so we can make sure to get everything you'd like!See you soon,peace,Michael and Brandie MonkeysAlso Feel free to pass our email and menu along to anyone you mightthink is interested in hearing about life on the farm and deliciousorganic edibles!!! Our Small Scale Organic Family Farming Businessappreciates all the support we can get. It helps us to keep doing whatwe love and believe in.
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