Tuesday, November 15, 2011

We awoke to the first snow of the season. Just a skiff, but a truetestament to the passage of one season to the next. Swimming in theNicola, feasting endlessly from the garden, munching sweet abundancefrom the trees & running a weekend bistro, seem but long gonememories. With the cool weather though comes many a seasonal joy...Luxuriously lazy mornings of tea sipping, reading & writing, chasingthe sunshine up the mountainside on our ever lengthening daily hikes,mushroom hunting, building fires & delighting in the toasty efficiencyof warming one's home whilst cooking........Our season of abundance here was amazingly bountiful & filled withcountless blessings! Any trepidations of having a new little monkey onboard are long since quelled. Having a full time grandma as part ofthe team has made Luna fit fairly seemlessly into our life here. Wehave found a delightful combination of working & playing that appeasesall. It is an amazing thing to watch Luna tune into the magic thatsurrounds us. She loves the outdoors as much as we do & finds hours ofinexhaustable joy sifting grains of sand, digging in the soil,inspecting rocks & sampling the various flavours of her world. We haveyet to find any thing we grow that she doesn't enjoy munching on(well, there was that one time she got a bite of hot pepper & screamedat the top of her little lungs for a moment or two).... We believe allthis gnawing on real, solid food has helped greatly in the easyarrival of her 5 little pearly white teeth. They give her georgeousgrin quite the character!! Luna loves the animals (perhaps more thenthey do her....) & shares much exuberant affection with any who willtolerate her hair tugging hugs. The cats are the most magnanimous, asis Kodiak the dog when he's in the mood. The goats & chickens on theother hand...... the former want nothing to do with her unless she'ssafe in our arms & the chickens, especially the rooster finds her arather supicious little creature. Quite funny to watch a whole flockof chickens being chased from side of the barn yard to the next by atiny little person on all fours, trying mightily to catch one of them.They eventually settle down & peck around her curiously as sits amongthem as one of the flock. When she's feeling quite weepy, she'llsometimes cheer up if you cluck like a chicken for her. A real littlefarm girl, through & through.The crops are all harvested & stored safely away for the winter. Itdelights me to see our winter larder fuller then ever & having hadless waste in the process.... A real sign we're learning! Stillenjoying fresh goodies from the garden even after a dip into the subzero range a few weeks ago (-9C). Broccoli, kale, celery, swiss chard,wild & hardy greens, leeks & lovely red apples still hanging fromtheir branches. It is amazing to find so much vitality to nourish ourbodies with, even as the earth is starting in on it's inward cyclingof hibernation for the year.The squash harvest was a record breaking 900 lbs! The orchard/alfalfacompanioning proved once again to be a tremendous sucess. The mostamazing part of this project is witnessing the orchard floor becomingincreasingly lush with organic matter... walking barefoot where onceonly inhospitable little beasties grew. Watching the beneficialtransformation of our farm's eco system happening right before oureyes is an awe inspiring gift. Once the squash were harvested ( a fallchore that finds Michael with an ear to ear grin on his lovely face) &weighed up, they were all brought in & our upstairs living space linedwith these beauties along the base of the walls. Luna delights ininspecting them daily & exercising her little muscles trying to liftlarger & larger specimens above her head. We have been feasting uponthese orange fleshed gems with great relish & gastronomical delight &are pleased to be able to share their robust & intensly sweet flavourswith you in a number of dishes on the menu.The sweet potato harvest was a lovely & bountiful suprise, making theexperiment a grand sucess! We peeled back the plastic to find suchamazing activity bustling beneath... worms GALORE, along with theirnutrient dense castings (poops), mycelium & rootlets breaking up thesoil! I have completely rethought my previous stance on the use ofplastic in the garden & now firmly believe that if it is reuseablefrom year to year, it is not only a great way to increase yields forcertain crops & warm the soil but also seems to mutually benfit boththe health of the plants & the soil beneath. Digging up the sweetpotoates was like finding buried treasure. Great clusters of themgathered beneath their foliage, pointing downward in root like fashion& more were to be found off at great distances, connected by"umbilical cords". We pulled in a whopping 65 lbs of prize tubers inall! They are an unusual crop in that they must be cured in a warm (32C) place with high humidity, for a week to convert their starches tosugars. Many commercial varieties available have forgone thisimportant step & thus lack the mind blowing sweetness of a properlycured sweet potato. They need warmth to stay alive as well & thus manyyou find at the store are actually dead food. We found this out firsthand, trying to use these as mother plants & watching them rot beforeour eyes. We have set aside a nice little selection of "mothers" tobegin again with in the greenhouse next spring & hope to grow enoughto be able to use them on the menu next fall! Their creamy sweetnessis unlike anything else!The chicken tractor has revolutionized our land clearing, covercropping & chicken raising methods. They are amazingly industriouslittle creatures, scratching up the ground furiously, looking fortasty grubs & bugs to feast upon, leaving in their wake well turned,more fertile soil for planting the cover crop into. They are healthierthan ever & laying lovely, dark orange yolked, deliciously rich eggsdaily. We are looking so forward to getting the rest of the flock outinto their own "tractor" early next season & watching theaccelleration of fertility around the farm as a result. The firstsection they worked over was previously quite sparse other then a fewfruit trees. After the gals worked it over, it is a clearly defined,lusher green space, now home to two more plum trees, with space formore in the spring. If you have land you'd like to enliven & want toenjoy the most delicious eggs ever, I'd highly recommend chickentractoring. Michael is presently dreaming up a practical method forgetting the goats out into tractors as well.....We are really winding down here on the farm now. The garlic is happilyplanted & well mulched for the winter ahead. Two fat beds of our bestever planting stock, lay peacefully beneath the ever enlarging,resplendent willow tree... (a funny story in poor planing I'll savefor another time).... Quite the beautiful thing to behold, seeingfrost killed crops pushed over & transformed into a new planting spacesimply by covering with soaked cardboard, compost & hay. Papermulching has worked tremendous & commendable magic in our gardens thisyear, creating a dramatic increase in water retention (a real blessingin our semi arid desert summer months) & an outstanding improvement inour soil structure & overall fertility. We're hooked & happy to berecycling whilst feeding our soil & it's many inhabitants that make itteem with productiviy!Our latest "farm drama/ crisis", involves the Immaculate Maggie (oneof the goaties). Grandma went to milk the other night & found hercovered in blood all on her backside.(Quite the startling contrast toher lovely white coat!) She rushed up to get us & we went all four ofus (Luna on Dad's back), warmed unrefined salt brine & medicinal herbsin hand, to try & help. It was unclear what exactly had caused thebleeding, but it appeared to our eyes to be some sort of vaginalwound. Besides this, her ear was torn & her one eye lid bloodied &swollen. Poor girl looked like she'd been beat up! We cleaned her upas best as possible, fed her the herbs & shared some positvevibrations (Luna who was very quiet & serious throughout this whole"doctoring" even leaned in to give her a sweet & gentle littlepet....)The following days we have kept a close eye on her & she seemto be healing quickly, back to her usual well reposed & noble self.Grandma caught sight of a "handsome" buck, BIg Horn sheep wanderingdown to the barn as she drove off for town the other day..... Thoughtof how the Kodiak has been barking alot at night & suddenly we beginto formulate a very primal little scene in our mind to wonderabout......... Funny how we were just pondering having one of the galsbred to kid in the 2012 season.We marvel at the passing of time & how it really does seem to fly evenmore then before with a baby in our lives. Almost a whole year haspassed since we last ventured into the big ol' city to bring you alittle taste of our farm fresh organic deliciousness. Unbelievable!!!We are as equally rusty from the lapse in time as we are thankful tobe heading your way, having a chance to introduce you to lovely Luna &bringing our traveling Monkey show to your door. We'll be town doingdeliveries the 7th through to the 10th, weather permitting. That said,here's the menu to salivate over.... PLEASE GET YOUR ORDER IN ASAP, aslife is busier than ever (with lovely Luna) & we want so much to makesure you get all you want to.Here's the updated menu~ ENJOY
For our menu we grow a wide variety of heirloom and open-pollinatedvegetables and herbs, berries, fruits, and flowers on our smallorganic farm in the scorching Nicola Valley semi-arid desert. Otherfruits, berries, and mushrooms come through trading with other localorganic sources as well as from foraging expeditions into thewild. We save all of our non-GMO seeds from our bio-diverse gardens everyyear- thus allowing for their increased adaptability to our soil andenvironment, and to assure the continued existence of these older,hardier, more nutritious, delicious, floral, and colourful fruits,vegetables, flowers and herbs.We use both Nutiva Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil and Mastro DonatoIl Frantoio Extra Virgin Organic Olive Oil in all of our cooking andbaking. Bothoils are delicious and nutritious...All of our dishes are wheat-free using organic fresh ground (from ourown mill) Spelt, Kamut, and Rye flours, as well as organic wholegrains and organic legumes - quinoa, millet, buckwheat, amaranth,oats, barley; adzuki, navy, kidney and black beans; chickpeas;speckled peas, French, green,and red lentils). We only use unrefined Celtic sea salt exclusively for it’sbalance of minerals, mellow flavour, and positive influence in thebody (unlike commercial refined salts including refined sea salt whichdehydrate and kill your cells. Unrefined sea salt on the other handcontains all of the minerals we need- it has a similar composition asocean water as well as human blood. Our bodies need natural unrefinedsalts to survive and function properly.) .All grains, beans, and organic nuts and seeds are preparedwith digestion, nutrition, and flavour in mind- always soakedovernight to remove the phytic acid and indigestible sugars. Beandishes are then cooked with kombu seaweed and epazote (both seaweedand herb help break down proteins and help digestion) with carefulattention to digestibility and deliciousness.Our breads are sourdough and yeast-free, and our baked goodies are prepared withsprouted spelt flour. All flour is freshly ground in our mill before using.....ENTREES, VEGGIE BURGERS & PASTA●Squash Roshtis ~ Finely grated squash, onion & garlic patties, spicedto perfection & baked until lovely, golden brown. Delicious dipped inour heirloom apple sauce or fruit chutney.●Falafels~ Sprouted, Armstrong grown speckled pea, garlic, onions &spices. A monkey favorite! Quite nice accompanied by our CurriedCherry Tomato Pickle & Baba Ganooj, and served on a bed of basmatibrown rice.●Sourdough Buckwheat Pizza~ Fresh ground, gluten free, sourdough crusttopped with reduced heirloom tomato sauce, sundried tomatoes, fresheggplant, beta carotene rich summer squash, onions garlic, basil &oregano. Yummmmm…..●Chiles Rellenos ~ Poblano peppers stuffed to the gills with goldenquinoa, black beans, garlic, onions & toasted cumin. Spicy anddelicious!●Monkey Moussakka ~ Delicously creamy, layered up with eggplants,kidney beans, roasted heirloom tomatoes, onions & garlic.●Squash Samosas ~ Wonderful pastry treats! Roasted squash with peashoots, onions, garlic, and spices- in a sourdough Kamut pastry crust!● Black Bean Burritos ~ Mexican black beans (with sautéed onions,garlic, tomatoes, & spices) with roasted squash and toasted sunflowerseeds in a sourdough buckwheat wrap! Gluten Free! 2 pack● Curry Wraps ~ Black lentils, sauteed onions, ginger, monkey masala,wild greens and roasted squash in a sourdough buckwheat wrap! GlutenFree! 2 pack● Chickpea Stuffed Spaghetti Squash ~ with green garlic, fresh sauteedonions, and herbs. Gluten Free! 2 pack.● Mediterranean Kamut Pilaf ~ Delicious grainy dish with cherries,onions, bulb fennel, sundried tomatoes, tender salad turnips, andgreens.● Creamy Navy Bean and Oat Stew ~ with bulb fennel, sautéed onions,and whole oats! Yum Yum!● Brown Rice & Chickpea Burgers ~ with sautéed onions, celery, garlic,and sunflower seeds. Gluten Free! 6 pack● Coconut Chickpeas & Quinoa ~ with coconut milk, sautéed onions &garlic, orange peel, cinnamon, monkey masala, fresh herbs.● Mexi-Cali Burgers ~ with millet, black beans, sautéed onions,peppers, garlic & fresh herbs. Gluten Free! 6 pack.● Quinoa and Adzuki Bean Casserole ~ with celery, onions, heirloomtomatoes & fresh herbs! Gluten Free!●Aubergine Nimoise ~ Halves Heirloom Eggplant, scored & roasted tocreamy perfection, topped with our rich reduced garlicy heirloomtomato sauce. Serve hot with our sourdough rye for a true French treat.● Lasagna- Fresh, handmade thin Kamut noodles create this popularfavourite- with a rich tomatoey navy and kidney bean sauce, onions,garlic, basil, zucchini, and eggplants! Wonderfully delicious!BEANS & VEGAN SOUPSPerfect to accompany any meal, or to eat just on their own!Savoury & Delicious, our bean dishes are all very carefully prepared.Beans and legumes should always be soaked for 12-24 hours in at least fourtimes as much water with a splash of apples cider vinegar (whichbegins a proliferation of acidophilus bacteria which help inneutralizing phytic acid). When cooking, the soaking water is changedfor fresh water. The beans are brought to a rolling boil, and asAyurvedic tradition suggests, the gassiness from the beans is sent ‘upand away’ with the escaping steam for twenty minutes, while theindigestible foam that rises to the top of the pot is skimmed andcomposted. The beans are then lowered to a gentle simmer with unrefinedsea salt, kombu seaweed (for softening and mineral enriching), wholespices, and at a point, dried Epazote herb from our gardens (a Mexicanherb to help with digesting proteins). Once softened (when a beansquishes between your tongue and the roof of your mouth), additionalingredients are added (acidic ingredients, such as tomatoes, wine,lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, should be added to cooking beansonly at this point, as they can halt the softening process, and leadto ‘al denté’ beans- digestive disasters!) and the beans continue onthe way towards a savoury, heart warming dish! All our bean dishes andsoups go great with our delicious sourdough artisan breads. 750mlsize.●Golden Quinoa & Adzuki bean casserole- with roasted heirloomtomatoes, celery, onions & garden fresh herbs.●Black Lentil Dahl ~ with black lentils, sautéed onions & ginger, Monkey masala.● Mexican Black Beans ~ with sautéed onions, garlic, tomatoes, and spices.● Saucy Speckled Peas ~ with sautéed onions, garlic, fennel, and celery. Yum!● Lentil Dahl- Sprouted Red & French Lentils are cooked to creamyperfection with heirloom tomatoes, sautéed onions & spices.●Persian Kidney Bean Stew- Slow roasted heirloom tomatoes, sautéedonions, garlic herbs & spices, mingle deliciously with perfectlyprepared kidney beans. Warm up from the inside out!●Golden Canadian Quinoa & Black Beans- Simply delicious & spiced justright with toasted cumin, garlic & sautéed onions.●Monkey’s Fireside Beans~ Fire Roasted Adzuki & Navy beans. Rich,creamy & satisfyingly delicious. ● Summer Borscht ~ Brothy borscht with potatoes, beets, fennelbulb, onions, garlic, celery & caraway.● Creamy Roasted Squash Soup~ A favourite at our house. Deep orangedeliciousness with a hint of cinnamon….. Any extra can be blended witheggs & baked as an amazing frittata.● Szechuan Carrot Soup~ Spicy peanut & garlic accents, make thiscreamy & deeply satisfying soup delicious. Thanks to the folks atFountain View Organic Farms for providing us with such sweet & juicycarrots from the upper Fraser Valley!●Cream of Celery Soup~ Loaded with mineral rich celery in a creamyceleriac base.DELI STYLE FRESH CONDIMENTS & DRESSINGS in 250ml glass jars●Habanero Hot Sauce- Summer’s heat sizzles in this delicious creation.Habaneros, garlic & herbs blended to saucy perfection with unrefined,cold pressed olive oil & a cultured, probiotic rich unrefined sea saltbrine. Delicious on just about anything in our opinion!● Cherry Habanero Hot Sauce~ Habanero peppers fermented in their ownjuices meet the tangy zing of cultured cherry juice. Deliciously spicydigestive aid.●White Wine Monkey Mustard- Canadian grown mustard seeds, SummerhillPyramid Winery white wine & unrefined sea salt. Simply divine!● Fire Powder -A blend of our own homegrown organic sun-soaked chilies,dried and ground fresh to spice up your dinner table! Caution- VeryAddictive, Very Spicy! Spice jar size.SWEET AND SAVOURY PRESERVESShelf Stable Treats for the pantry- Organic Fruits and Vegetable basedcondiments and sauces for every palate… Unless otherwise noted, allpreserves are made without additional sweeteners (Fruit only- reducedto concentrate natural sugars within) There's something perfect forcomplementing any meal of the day ....... 250mL glass jar● Peach, Apricot & Shiro Plum Sauce~ Amazingly golden & absolutely delicous.● Roasted Apricots – A favorite…. full of luscious apricot flavouroven roasted to golden perfection!● Black Cherry - Delicous tree ripened full cherry flavour jam packedin every jar.● Pear Sauce- Luxurious ripe pears preserved at their prime!● Plum, Pear & Double Apple Butter- Reduced to a thick toothsome treat!● Sour Cherry Sauce – Sour Cherries are reduced with the pits in prior tostraining, extracting their delicious almond aroma…. An old worldspecialty.● Heirloom Apple Sauce- A real taste of the autumn season. Freshpicked from our massive, ancient apple trees & reduced, skins & all tosaucy, pink deliciousness. Great both sweet or savory… from smoothies,to toast topper, to chutney. Can also be used as a vegan eggsubstitute, ¼ per egg.● Saucy Peaches- A delicious hint of the flavourful & sumptuous abundanceof peach season.●Apricot & Baby Apple- Delicious combination of sun ripened apricots& sweet, rosy red crabby apples.●Cherry Mulberry – Amazingly sweet, wild mulberries mingle with a deeplyrich cherry base. Yum…..●Cherry Saskatoon – Tiny morsels of wild berry goodness, packed away insweet, black cherry sauce.●Peachy Apple - Dripping with flavour, these tree ripened peaches are madeeven sweeter with rosy little red crabby apples.● Saucy Apricots - Sun-Drenched Nicola Valley Apricots- lots ofsunshine in every jar of golden deliciousness!● Green Gage Plums- Delicous Heirloom Plums sunripened & full ofamazing flavour! Excellent sweet/tart flavour works well with sweetdesserts as well as savoury meals for dipping or saucing.●Summer Red Apple Sauce- Delightfully pink & naturally sweet sauce.The Summer Red apple variety originated at the Summerland FruitResearch Station!●Oaxacan Tomatillo Salsa~ Roasted tomatillos, onions, garlic, chilies& spices. Amazing addition to your next Mexican feast!● Spicy Monkey Ketchup- our version of this extremely popularcondiment- a thick, sauce of de seeded & skinned chilies & heirloomtomatoes, sweetened with our apple sauce.● Peach, Pear & Apple Chutney- with sautéed onions, garlic, chiles,and fresh roasted fragrant spices. Transforms a simple meal intochutney bliss.●Buttery Apple Sweet Relish- Fruity cucumber creation....Tradtional homemade relish flavour with a naturally apple sweet twist!● Peach Salsa- Full summer flavour with juicy ripe peaches, heirloomblue corn, heirloom tomatoes, eggplants, chilies, onions, & fresh herbs.●Roasted Apricot Salsa- Apricots dominate in this delicious combinationof fresh fruits, heirloom tomatoes, onions, garlic, bulb fennel,cumin, coriander, & quilquanna.●Monkey’s Marinara- Roasted heirloom tomatoes, fresh shucked beans,sautéed onions, celery, garlic & basil. Delectable Pasta Sauce● Ratatouille- A richly delicious blend sautéed heirloom tomatoes,eggplants, zuchetta, onions & garlic. Amazing on our sourdough ryebread with soft goat cheese.●Baba Ganooj- The simple & creamy deliciousness of roasted eggplants,unrefined sea salt & cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil. Pair withour fresh ground sourdough rye bread & make your next sandwichAMAZING!●Chile Sauce- De-seeded & skinned heirloom tomatoes, chilies, onions &garlic. Aromatic and potent!● Curried Cherry Tomato Pickle - A delicious salty pickle foraccompanying any dish wanting strong curried flavours- with GreenCherry tomatoes, chilies, garlic, ginger, tumeric, cumin, coriander,pepper, anise, cardamom, & unrefined sea salt.●Fire Water- Deliciously Spicy Blend of 6 types of de seeded HabaneroPeppers, fresh garlic, onions & unrefined sea salt, blended to smooth,saucy perfection with de seeded & skinned heirloom tomatoes. Add alittle FIRE to your life! (114 ml jars VERY concentrated)SWEET TREATS & SAVORY BAKINGOur baking is all made with locally grown, fresh ground, sproutedspelt flour (to decrease gluten content & maximize digestibility),unrefined, extra virgin, cold pressed coconut oil (only cooking oil,beyond butter, able to healthfully withstand high heat of bakingtemperatures), unrefined cane sugar & chocolate (sourced out from alocal collective, committed to fair trade practices & promotingfarmer/ processor alliances in Guatemala & the Philippines, unrefinedPortuguese sea salt, our own dried fruits, handcrafted brandiedvanilla, soaked nuts & seeds……. All are vegan friendly, using our ownapple sauce in lieu of eggs.DESSERTS●Monkey Power Cookies~ A delicious & energy rich power packed tastetreat!…. Whole sprouted buckwheat crispies, walnuts, pumpkin seeds &sesame, chocolate chunks & sundried cherries & apples.●Peanut Butter Thumbprints~ Peanut butter goodness made even moredelicious with raspberries & apples nestled in the middle.● Goji Apple – Antioxidant rich goji berries pair up deliciously withour shade dried apple chunks.● Pear Pumpkin Seed – Amazingly sweet dried pears & toasted pumpkinseeds. Yummm●Peachy Apricot- Shade dried peaches & apricots sweeten us up withthoughts of summer’s prime.●Cherry Chocolate Chunk – Shade dried cherries meet dark chocolatechunks. A real favorite.●Chocolate Cherry Brownie Bliss ~ Dark cherry meets densely rich &deeply satisfying chocolate goodness. Need we say more?●Matrimonial Squares- 100% Fruit sauce sandwiched between layers ofsoaked oat & coconut goodness. Available in 2 flavours~ Black CherryApple and Apple Chai●Raspberry Apple Upside Down Cake- On the up side of down… thisdelicious cake is bound to put a smile on your face (or at least yourtaste buds)●Stuffed Heirloom Apples- Delicious taste of the season. These juicyapples are cored & stuffed to the brim with oats, nuts, seeds & driedfruits. These re-bake amazingly & are superb topped with whipped creamor yogurt.● Monkey’s Sprouted Granola- Soaked oats slathered in extra virgin,unrefined coconut oil, apple sauce & brandied vanilla, baked tocrunchy golden perfection & then tossed up with roasted walnuts,pumpkin & sesame seeds & a tasty selection of our shade dried fruits.Delicious out of hand as a quick snack or done up for breakfast withone of our fruit sauces.SAVORY BAKING●Artisan Black Rye Bread- This densely delicious, fresh ground, yeastfree rye bread is sure to delight with its moist crumb, made evenbetter with toasting. The perfect “vehicle” for any of our condiments& served aside a piping hot bowl of soup.●Buckwheat & Millet Waffles- Simply the most delicious & healthfulwaffle going. Whole buckwheat & millet soak overnight to increasedigestibility. Blended & then baked to golden perfection. Top with oneof our sweet preserves for a Special Monkey breakfast. Surprisinglyexcellent as a “personal pizza” crust or sandwich base.●Squash Muffins- These naturally sweet, dense & very moist muffins aredelicious both sweet & savory. Perfect for snacking or servedalongside a nice, hot bowl of soup.HERBAL REMEDIES:Spilanthes Oleracea- Spilanthes is a native Amazonian herb- withsimilar properties as Echinacea, though with a potency five timesgreater. It is a plant commonly eaten in the Brazilian diet- often with themilder leaves of the plant minced up into soups and salads for itsimmune boosting properties.We find that it helps almost immediately with a variety of complaints-such as canker sores, cold sores, sore throats, toothaches, as well asthe common cold or flu. We always have it on hand to help beat backany sickness that creeps up in our household.We grow our Spilanthes as an annual plant, saving seed each year tokeep this potent medicine available. It’s a lovely, lowcreepingsucculent plant, with arrow shaped leaves, and small, chamomilelooking flowers of red within yellow within orange.We offer Spilanthes in two forms:● Whole dried Spilanthes flower heads- excellent for keeping in apurse, or in the glovebox or backpack- simply pop a dried flower inyour mouth and treat it as a lozenge. Its action is long lasting!● Spilanthes Tincture- Our tincture is in a vodka base and uses onlythe fresh, potent flower heads fresh harvested at their peak potency.Simply a few drops under the tongue or back of the throat and itsaction is immediately felt. It comes in a convenient 25mL dark glassbottle with dropper.● Reishi Mushroom Tincture- an amazing adaptogen used for millenia inthe east... an excellent stress reliever and immune booster- we findthat reishi both calms the nerves while adding clarity of mind andincreased energy. An excellent anti-carcinogen, it's used in thetreatment of many cancers and tumours. Many texts recommend it fordaily use throughout life for increased longevity (likely due to itsstress-relieving properties!). Our reishi tincture is vodka based withcertified organic reishi mushroom.MONKEYS GIFT BASKETS!!!The Perfect way to share Monkey in the Garden Goodness with those youlove! A delicous & ecclectic combination of sauces, preserves, herbs &medicinal tinctures, nested on a bed of organic straw & all wrapped upin an attractive natural fibre basket. Comes with a personalized, handmadegreeting card. Great ethically produced Christmas, birthday oranniversary gift for the eco conscience on your list! Available in $50& up sizes. As well as being available delivered in Vancouver, we canalso ship via Greyhound anywhere in Canada!!!Please get your order in ASAP so we can make sure to get everything you'd like!See you soon,peace,Michael, Brandie, and Luna MonkeysAlso Feel free to pass our email and menu along to anyone you mightthink is interested in hearing about life on the farm and deliciousorganic edibles!!! Our Small Scale Organic Family Farming Businessappreciates all the support we can get. It helps us to keep doing whatwe love and believe in.Ask about our non perishable shippables-Perfect for whomever, wherever!Monkey Goodies Across CanadaTinctures, Preserves, Herbs & MORE!Sent via Canada Post or GreyhoundCheck out our wonderous website & blogwww.monkeyinthegarden.comfull of fantastic photos and sensational stories!!!

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